I think everyone in the Northern Hemisphere, after months of snow and cold, is pining after a green spring right about now. This month’s collector colour is inspired by the garden movement, environmentalism and hope for a greener, cleaner future.
Rococo - Collector Colour
The excessively flamboyant and ornate style of Rococo emerged in France in the 1720s. It remained the predominant design style for most of the 18th century with sweeping pastel colours and golden details reigning supreme. This month’s collector colour is inspired by this period of gorgeous design, a classic peach terracotta with pops of royal hues and gold.
Mocha Mousse - Collector Colour
Polaris - Collector Colour
Throughout this year we have seen an amazing display of Aurora Borealis in unusally accessible parts of the northern hemisphere, giving many of us a new appreciation for the Northern lights. This month’s collector colourway, POLARIS, is inspired by the bright colours of the northern lights surrounded by the night sky full of stars.
Marble - Collector Colour
Fall Ceremony - Collector Colour
The Ton - Collector Colour
Penelope - Collector Colour
Wedding Season - Collector Colour
Paradise Tanager - Collector Colour
Pine Grosbeak - Collector Colour
Painted Bunting - Collector Colour
Ammonite - Collector Colour
Tourmaline - Collector Colour
Azurite - Collector Colour
Reishi - Collector Colour
Hoof Mushroom - Collector Colour
Night Shade - Collector Colour
Koigu’s Gift Guide for the Crafting Mother
Local Yarn Store Day with Koigu - 2023
Local Yarn Store day is almost here! We look forward to this day to celebrate yarn stores internationally every year. This year it falls on Saturday April 29th. We have three exciting special edition product collections for LYS Day; paint cans, collector’s colours and pencil boxes. \
Check them out below and see which stores near you are participating!
I think everyone in the Northern Hemisphere, after months of snow and cold, is pining after a green spring right about now. This month’s collector colour is inspired by the garden movement, environmentalism and hope for a greener, cleaner future.