Vill 1
Colour Correction for Moggie Blanket in Vill O180 should be O170;
O340 should be O310
O309A should be O495
Painters Palette Scarf: 14 rows of E, 2 rows of F, 2 rows of E
14 rows of F, 2 rows of A, 2 rows of F
14 rows of A till cast off
Hugo Sweater: CO for 48” bust should be 152 sts.
Pattern #2 ; Row 4 in repeat should have last stitch as colour B
The excessively flamboyant and ornate style of Rococo emerged in France in the 1720s. It remained the predominant design style for most of the 18th century with sweeping pastel colours and golden details reigning supreme. This month’s collector colour is inspired by this period of gorgeous design, a classic peach terracotta with pops of royal hues and gold.