Midway - August Collector Club

This past months collector club colour was a little late out of the gate with all the amazing events we had on at Koigu. But thats okay, because the midways are still on and this colour is absolutely out of this world, very different fro previous months but still could be worked beautifully with many of the previous months. A reminder this club is sent to a small list of Koigu retailers who are interested in participating, you as a maker are not required to sign up, or even buy each months colour, but we think you’ll want this months!


Fall fair midway is inspired by those summer turning into fall nights, when you head to the fair with family and friends. The sky is lit up by the shimmery lights of the rides, just like this dyelot. Which is grey based with pops of red, pink, green, blue and yellow!


You can buy this month’s colour at the following LYS’s: