Knit Process: Swatching

As discussed in our previous post, its not always easy imagining colours together especially knit up in a pattern or stitch that you haven't tried before. Starting a big project right off the bat can be nerve wracking because of this, not wanting to spend countless hours and skeins on a colourscape and pattern you're not thrilled about. So, naturally, making a little tester (a swatch) helps!

skeins left to right: P867X, P757, 2290, P355

skeins left to right: P867X, P757, 2290, P355

Here's an example of trying out different colour combinations for a pattern within a palette.

Even when working with just one variegated skein it helps to knit up a small square to see how all the colours within the yarn appear and work together. This is especially true with Koigu variegated yarns, as our handpainted yarns have a great amount of detail that can sometimes go unnoticed hidden in the skein.



Swatching colourscapes is a quick and fun way to prototype designs. Meanwhile, you're also gaining knitting practice (no matter how long you've been knitting for, its always good to whip something easy up every once in a while to keep those hands & needles in shape) and making little squares that could be repurposed into a quilt or another little project.

Try swatching your next knit project!
