The newest shawl to be released by Ambah O’Brien, is just as beautiful as the last. This shawl features an airy lace pattern, in a a fade of both solid and variegated Koigu yarn. The shawl kit is one pencil box and two skeins of KPM. Ambah’s original colour is a beautiful soft pink to Bordeaux, and we’ve created four other colour options kitted to choose from. Find the pattern here.
The shawl itself is inspired by the Grevillea flower, a native flower to Australia that comes in a variety of colours. You can read more about the flower here.
Kits and colours we’ve put together…
Original Colour
You can shop these kits at the following local yarn stores. Remember all Koigu yarn is hand dyed and as such the kits yarn may not be completely identical to the photos above.
A sample of the Grevillea in the colour shadow