Local Yarn Store Day is being held for the first time on April 21st. Visiting your local yarn store is not only important for the community, but provides amazing opportunities for knitters to learn, be inspired and grow their stash. Koigu has partnered with local yarn stores to create custom colours only to be purchased at those shops on the 21st. Over the following weeks we will be posting information on the various stores which will have custom colours on local yarn store day!
Handknit Yarn Studio
Hanknit Yarn Studio is located in Hamilton, Ontario. Offering a beautiful selection and yarn, patterns and craft accessories. To find out more about Handknit Yarn Studio and their LYS Day events I asked the following questions.
Handknit Yarn Studio’s custom colour way
Have you ever been involved in an event similar to LYS Day? We haven’t participated in any form of LYS day before. We’re very excited about taking part this year!
How will you be celebrating Local Yarn Store Day? LYS Day, with a yarn tasting, special offers from our vendors, and many more surprises to come
What makes your yarn store unique? We’re the only yarn shop in downtown Hamilton and we have a great community of knitters, crocheters, spinners and weavers. We host knit nights, spin ins and in store knit alongs for all sorts of projects (shawls, summer tops, sweaters, etc). We specialize in only carrying natural fibre yarns
What will you be showcasing on LYS Day? We’ll be showcasing our custom colour of Koigu as well as some featured summer yarns for our upcoming Summer top KAL.
Email: info@handknityarnstudio.ca Phone: 905-393-5976 Address: 144 James Street North, Hamilton, Ontario, L8R 2K7